I am a Data Science Teaching Faculty at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), and serve as the Faculty Director for the Master of Applied Data Science (MADS) program in the School of Data Science and Society (SDSS). Prior to moving to UNC, I was an Associate Professor of Data Science in the Department of Data Science and Business Analytics (DSBA) at Florida Polytechnic University (Florida Poly). I also served as the Assistant Chair of DSBA, working in all department operations, including but not limited to: curriculum design, course assessment, faculty recruitment, student advising, and other institutional activities. Before joining Florida Poly, I served as the Program Director for the MS in Big Data Analytics in the School of Science at St. Thomas University (STU) in Miami, after starting my career as an Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics at Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT) in Boston. I completed a Postdoctoral Researcher appointment for the Army High Performance Computing Research Center (AHPCRC) at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) in collaboration with a group at Stanford University. Research projects for the AHPCRC involved the development of numerical optimization and parameter estimation algorithms, reduced-order modeling, and large-scale data analytics.
PhD and MS in Computational Science
The University of Texas at El Paso
BSc in Mathematics
Universidad del Valle (Colombia)
Courses that I have taught or am currently teaching are listed.
Feel free to contact me if you would like information about any of them.
Graduate | Undergraduate |
Mathematical Tools for Data Science | Advanced Data Science |
Statistical Methods | Intro to Data Science |
Data Mining and Machine Learning | Operations Research |
Scientific Computing | Business Intelligence |
Quantitative Research Methods | Data Mining and Text Mining |
Data Visualization | Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory |
Fundamentals of Big Data Analytics | Differential Equations |
Applied Machine Learning | Calculus I, II, III |
Data Analytics Capstone | Discrete Mathematics |
Big Data Analytics Applications | Statistical Learning |
Data Wrangling | Data Analytics Capstone |
Programming for Data Analytics | Data Science Directed Research |
Posts with some recent news and activities
Some recent projects and others
Text Mining and Clustering on reddit Posts
Topic Modeling on reddit posts
Clustering and MCA on the US HRS dataset
(with Jayden Carr, Sandy Benito and Acxel Vega)
(with Maudeline Deus, Kevin Osorio, Sierra Hawthorne, Eliana Espinosa and Celeste Pereira)
(with Sabrina Romero) Mining urban developement, real state, taxes, and Twitter data to explore the gentrification process in Miami
(with Jose Muguira) Multinomial Logistic Regression model to predict student success based on performance on WeBWorK assignments